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Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World
Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World
Youth confront preparedness matter.ROLE OF THE YOUTH IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD The youth has great strength, vigour, good health etc. These features should be channeled towards the propagation of the gospel. Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of God (Lk. 18:16).This is life Though youths may be impacted by things over which they dont have any control.ââ¬Å"Dear young people, with the spirit of generous self giving recognize that you are directly involved in the new evangelization, proclaim Christ who died for allâ⬠. Where are our Youths today? Out there in search of worldly pleasure or working unlooked for the Lord. (Ref. to the past).
Most youth do not have any idea of what the future holds for them.Joseph had an sexual encounter with God. He reverenced God. The fear of God was in his heart. Portipherââ¬â¢s household prospered because of the presence of Joseph.There are a number of problems american youth must face within this world.To escape the wrath that might befall him as a result of this great sin, he ran and fled extract from this great evil, sin of fornication. Godless youth would take advantage of this immoral opportunity and yield to the temptation. It egypt takes a heart that has been washed by the Blood of The Lamb, a youth who has experienced the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ, a sanctified person and very Holy Ghost filled to overcome such temptation. For the bible says ââ¬Å"for the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present worldâ⬠.
Contemporary day childhood of India lives in the historys phase.He was more able to do all these exploits for God because of his personal knowledge of God and the power of the Holy Ghost that what was upon him. Through the youngest of Jesseââ¬â¢ sons, his fear of the lord and his close relationship with God, made him to do the chosen second one of God. â⬠Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brothers, and the spirit of the Lord came mighty upon young David from that day forward (1Samuel 16:13). Above all learn from Jesus Christ, who from childhood went about doing the fatherââ¬â¢ business, ââ¬Å"I must preach the public good news of the kingdom of God to the other citizens also, for I was sent for this purpose? Make yourself available for noble use.Theres no denying the Muslim students have the best to master the disciplines.To them, if the society accept the societyââ¬â¢s new directions. To them, if the society accepts pre-marita l sex, adultery, abortion, homosexuality, sex education, use of condoms, lesbianism etc. hey cannot see why the church has to keep calling them sins. The youth sees the youth state as a period of fun and freedom.
com.What a wasted life! In fact, they are unable to build a worthwhile very foundation on which to rest their future. Their Godââ¬â¢s given talent lost and life destroyed all in the name of enjoying their youths. In Paulââ¬â¢s letter to Timothy, he admonished Timothy in these words: Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue Righteous, faith, love and peace, Along start with those who call on the Lord Out of a pure heartâ⬠2Tim:22 The youthful stage when properly managed can lead to disaster.All youths should heed to Paulââ¬â¢s admonition to timothy.Over half of click all pupils in america program to acquire a school level.Learn from David and Joseph, the way to upright living. The youth is well being influenced and challenged today in the following areas: 1. INFLUENCE OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY Modern technology had led to the invention of personal computer, the satellite, Digital television, the internet, mobile phone (GSM).These devices had in no small measure made th e world a global village.
Problems empty can get stones instead of stumblingblocks.The mobile telephone has made communication easy. The satellite technology also has greatly eased the burden of real ââ¬â time global communication. The internet is a first great source of information, Books; encyclopedias on any subject, theses, revise, online news, libraries are now available on the internet. Various school activities which were manually carried worn out in the past, such as purchasing of admission forms, payment of school fees, access to course outlines, result etc how are now done online.Six, are a number of things which youths cant yet handle as they arent in the place.Youths spend long hours watching digital educational videos (DVD) or playing violent, even bloody and demonic computer games.Some youths spend hours or the whole night browsing forbidden site on the internet thereby getting exposed to inappropriate materials, such as pornographic and erotica because some youth get initiated into Sa tanism, Spiritism and other esoteric region. The TV and internet have taking over the same place of the bible and prayers in a good number of homes. Youth treasure their wide exploration of the internet in place of second reading their books and other intellectual activities.
Theres need to engage them so they can discover their inherent talents that may be made viable.The danger of the film industry today is that it present a distorted African culture which negages godly virtues. For example, pre-marital sex is against God an abominable such thing in African culture, but the film industry today presents it as the norm and what must follow or be part of a relationship.Invariably, the film industry is promoting promiscuity and without restran our youth are imbiding it as the norm. Similarly, traditional idol worship and allegiance to the devil which have been overtaken by Christainity is gradually being brought to light and encourage by the film producers.Young people arent perfect.NEGLECING OF HARD WORK Many many youths want to go the easy way of life. No work but wants to be rich.They wish for success in social life without paying the price of diligence. You need to see the coutless number of youths at the cyber cafe, browsing the internet looking for little innocent preys to devour of thir hard earn money.
In the same time, children need to see that parents care.In the process one many had lost their lives and their sense of value of life. Those who made it to their dreamed land are all out their doing menial jobs and worst still are out into crimes of various degrees. 5. Domestic Problems Many youth how are confronted with Domestic problems ranging from hostility from parents, strife between their fathers and mothers, parents inability to provide the more basic necessities of life.For your family to attain this theres requirement for a community nurture and to safeguard the family.Praise the Lord! Let us trace our dressing to the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve sinned against God, they realized that they are naked. They sewed fig leaves coming together to make themselves aprons (Gen3:7). This covered only a part of their bodies.
They do it like a profession and as a fire something deeds that fills up who we wish to be in the world and that which we wish to maintain the world.Lukeââ¬â¢s gospel Chapter 8 ;26-35). The little demon possessed man was naked. The bible described him as ââ¬Å"a man from the city who had demon; for a long time he she had worn no clothes, and lived not in a house but among tombsââ¬â¢. With encounter with Christ Jesus, he was delivered from the foreign legion of evil spirit, he was clothed and he was in his right mindâ⬠(Luke 8:35).Their problems, despite the fact arent the same.For cell all that is inworld, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father, but is of the worldâ⬠. I John2:15. Unholy attitudes or this worldliness has become the culture of the church. Some church members tell you what you wear does not matte, after all religion is in the heart.
Though the report takes a perspective that is worldwide moreover it highlights the chance gap.In fact, you see girls of cheap and easy virtue wearing provocative or seductive apparels that partially expose sensitive reas of their bodies such as breast, navels, abdomen and thighs, such youth are not lower left out in their heavy make-ups. Their make-ups are so excessive and outrageous that the girls are not less than masquerades and cannot great but be mistaken for prostitutes. Why would a Christain woman or lady imitate Jezbel? ââ¬Å"When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it and part she painted her eyes, and adorned her head and looked out of the windowâ⬠2King9:30. Some ladies dress in such way that they stimulate lustful desires in men.Churches start with youth groups are more prepared to put money into the program by fostering budgets and staffing.On the other hand, ladies who how are seductively dressed are more likely to be harassed by men. In the actual sense, a lady who is immodestly dressed is simply adverstising herself, telling the male folk that she is available. No wonder, today that the rate at which women are raped is exceedingly alarming. The men folk are not left out of this craze unlooked for fashion.
It is so difficult that, if it occurs at all, its going to be wonder.In popular advert which says ââ¬Å"if you love me prove it by making love to meâ⬠Fornication is the sexual relationship between unmarried persons.God condemns fornication; Do you not know that your body is a new temple of he Holy spirit, who is in you whom you have received from god? You are not your own, you were received with a price. Therefore, honour god with your body (1cor 6:19-20) Anyone who destroy the temple of the Holy spirit which you are will face wrath of God. The bible says ââ¬Å"you are Godââ¬â¢s temple, anyone who defiles that temple, God will destroyâ⬠.Similarly, punch Newspaper had on one of based its publication pointed out that â⬠Pregnancy is just one of the ways one can reap on unpleasant harvest from fornicationâ⬠¦ It is better to avoid pre-marital sexâ⬠. 8. Wild Ambition Youths, no doubt are very ambitious.Being ambitious itself should be commended.The bible tells us to flee from all appearance of evil. Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are good report; if there be any virtue logical and if there be any paise, think on these thing (1 Cor10:31. Phil 4:8) Do not get involved in any activity that is contrary to the tenents of God.
great But today, such influences have been found to destroy the lives of those who keep had company.Thomas Martin as reported by Stan Ilo had how this to say ââ¬Å"What can be more dangerous to youth than bad company; what more fatal to all moral rectitude and good feeling than influence of bad example. Bad company ruins good moral. It will be highly recommended youths can be involved in authentic friendship.0 personal Foul Language, noisy Music, Obscene Dance, pornography Music is an ancient means with which Godââ¬â¢s people adored, exalted His Holy name and praised his majesty. This is still Godââ¬â¢s expectation from us today. However, Christain music of today has assumed a new dimension from what obtains in the bible. clinical Most Christain music today are emotional, sensual and noisy.11. UNEMPLOYMENT There is a high rate of employment in this country. Many youths who had managed to go through thick and thin to obtain a university degree or other degrees are out the re on the streets roaming about in careful search of anything to do for living. His has been the concern of both youths and their parents.Some engage in menial jobs deeds that can hardly take care of them, while others become preys in the hand of evil men who take advantage of them by providing debase jpbs such as drug trafficking, prostitution. The self employed are faced with problems of generating power for tjose whose jobs require electricity. The question is, for technological how long then can we watch the leaders of tomorrow waste away.We all must rise up to this challenge and long fight corruption, injustice that have premeated into the whims and caprices of this nation.
To every man there is a wife and to every young woman there is a man. Therefore wait on the Lord, and He will provide. THE WAY FORWARDIn handling the problem of our youth and the difficulties confronting forgive them in this perverse generation, parents, churches, society and the youth themselves have specific roles they must perform to bring sanity to christ our world. Let us reflet on the role of the youth themselves.Repentance involves: a) Admitting your weakness, being sorry for your weakness b) Renouncing your weakness The Lord scarce tell us in Issaiah, ââ¬Å"come now let us reason together, says the Lord through your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall become loke woolâ⬠(Is. 1:18) Go for sacramental reconciliation. Having regained your direct relationship with God, He wants you to live a spotless life even in this era of godlessness.What is expected of the youth therefore according to the word of God is outlined as follows: 1. The youth must treasure the unaltered word of God in his heart, life and mouth, civilization or no civilization. 2. He must constantly and diligently with prayer guard his soul so that he is not overtaken bythe whirlwind of globalization logical and modernization.Depend on the grace of God. Paul tells the Ephesians, ââ¬Å"for it is by Grace you have been saved through Faith and this is not from apply your selves, it is a gift of God (Eph 2:8) In the sane vein, Jesus tells us in Jn15:16 not to rely on our own strength big but yo abide on the Vine 5. Invite the Holy spirit, the sanctifying power of God into your life. It is the spirit that gives life.